We are a welcoming group of people who seek to love God and our neighbours, following the example of Christ.
St Leonard’s has been a place of worship for over 900 years - our building provides a unique place for the key moments and memories of our village and communities.
We reach out into the community, to those who are not churchgoers, as well as supporting and growing our existing Christian communities. See our events page for exciting activities that we are providing through-out our villages and surrounding parishes.

The future of St Leonard’s is bigger than the past.
We are a church who wants to grow, serving our parish and building our community.
We worship God and follow Jesus in our every day lives, welcoming people, inviting them to know Jesus.
Our church community is about living life in all its fullness, belonging together, sharing hospitality and caring for one another.
There’s lots going on and we have plans to do more!

Our Values
Everyone involved
Everyone can experience an encounter with God, in worship, prayer, in the Bible. We are all called to service in the church, each one equipped and empowered to be the body of Christ in our own particular way. Church should be a place where all can be involved.
Learning together
As a church we learn from God and we also from one another. No-one has the 'right answer' or knows it all. Everyone has something to offer and each has a gift to offer others. As we live, love and serve one another, we can ‘equip [the church] for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.' (Ephesians 4.12-13). We want to grow in the way we follow Jesus.
Growing community
We want to grow as a church community and welcome others in to that community. We want to connect with the wider Sherfield parish (including Sherfield Village and Sherfield Park), making church welcoming, accessible and engaging for all types and ages of people. 'This is to God’s glory, that we bear much fruit, showing ourselves to be disciples of Christ.' (John 15.8)