Music and Worship
Let's make music
Music is a key part of us worshipping God
Music at St Leonard's is an important part of our worship. In our formal services there are traditional hymns led by the organ.
Our Cafe Church services are informal with contemporary songs led by guitar. The fourth Sunday has a mixture of contemporary and traditional songs.
We are hoping soon to be able to add more instruments and singers to create a band. So if you play an instrument or enjoy singing please contact Mike Johnston via the Church Administrator email: admin@stjamesbramley.org.uk

Bell Ringing
The vibrant and welcoming Sherfield band carries on the centuries-old tradition of ringing the bells of St Leonard’s Church. They ring for church services, as well as for significant national, local, and personal events, and simply for the joy of ringing and listening.
St Leonard’s six bells have a rich history, with the oldest dating back over 500 years. The heaviest bell weighs nearly half a ton, yet can be rung with the ease of a brisk walk. We encourage anyone interested in bell ringing to visit us or consider joining. No musical experience is required, and church attendance is optional. This is an activity enjoyed by people of all ages, from teenagers to pensioners.